
Monthly Horoscopes May 2024

Aries (March 21st - April 19th)

The planets are lined up in the personal income section of your Solar Chart calling for an annual audit of your personal finances. The recent April Eclipse season is likely to have shaken you personally. So now you have to make practical decisions based on your values. It may be time to use your rainy-day funds, or perhaps you need to find ways to boost your health and personal wealth. Either way, you are assimilating matters to do with values, esteem and income.

Taurus (April 20th - May 20th)

May starts in Taurus season sparking celebrations of a personal nature. Of course, this could be your birthday, but it can also be the celebration of a very personal achievement. This is your ‘me, myself and I’ month. Your social life takes a serious turn, with an older friend upsetting the balance. It’s time to redress any imbalances by expanding your personal horizons, knowing that you have the resources to support you.

Gemini (May 21st - June 20th)

Inactivity is not a word usually linked to Gemini, but May is your annual recharge the batteries month. So, if ever you were to slow down then now is the time. Working behind the scenes is another possibility – withdrawing to focus on a cherished project. The idea is to take time out now to complete one cycle before starting your new birthday year. On another note, misunderstandings at work, or an older person’s white anting tactics will soon pass.

Cancer (June 21st - July 22nd)

This month you get by with a little help from your friends. You are celebrating your community through friendships, new and old, and groups and clubs. An important connection is likely to be formed in May, one that helps you see your destiny more clearly. This is also a ‘pay it forward’ month during which you light up those who enter your world with random acts of kindness.

Leo (July 23rd - August 22nd)

You shine in your profession in May. Recognition comes for your achievements in your chosen career. This is because people in high places note your reputation and reward your efforts. You are also likely to get a chance to speak publicly, write, public or travel as a result of your experience in the workplace. A prominent woman makes an unexpected entrance or exit, influencing your life direction.

Virgo (August 23rd - September 22nd)

Foreign countries are highlighted in May. This could be because you are travelling, or perhaps you have friends or relatives visiting. It’s also possible that you immerse yourself in a study course, film festival or cultural or religious events with overseas connections. Teaching and study are also highlighted. Whatever your personal scenario, the idea is to stop sweating the details and broaden your horizons. This is a big picture month.

Libra (September 23rd - October 22nd)

‘Gone with the Wind’ is a golden oldie book and film. Author Margaret Mitchell is quoted as saying: “Death, taxes and childbirth! There’s never any convenient time for them.” This is a quote that is likely to be front and centre in your mind this month. This is because the planets are lined up in the 8th House of your Solar chart which deals with birth, death, taxes and other people’s money. Your diplomacy skills are required in all of these areas in May.

Scorpio (October 23rd - November 21st)

Relationships are the focus in May. This could be your connection with a significant partner, or possibly a business associate. Money matters are likely to be a key factor as you make a big decision, or your financial situation shifts. Singletons may be surprised by a new love interest. Married Scorpios note a change in a partner’s situation. Either way, Taurus Season opens a door with new opportunities to enhance your closest unions.

Sagittarius (November 22nd - December 21st)

Changes are afoot at work. This is not your profession, but rather your workaday life. It’s possible that your workplace is shifting with office rearrangements and workers coming and going. Or it’s you who make decisions that offer a better work/life balance. Coworkers may surprise you, offering support or stepping away from a toxic situation. Whatever your personal scenario, the fact is that you are ready to step away from situations that are stressful on a daily basis. You are ready to enjoy your work.

Capricorn (December 22nd - January 19th)

Organisation consultant Marie Kondo has become famous for her suggestions to minimise mess by arranging material items according to whether they ‘spark joy’ or not. This is your month to be creative and to assess all physical, emotional, mental and spiritual matters on the basis of whether they ‘spark joy’ or not. You are usually more focussed on fulfilling your obligations. But this month you have the perfect excuse to have fun. Let go and lighten your load.

Aquarius (January 20th - February 18th)

Household expenses come under scrutiny this month. Something or someone may have blown the budget. For instance, an unexpected maintenance job may have triggered your concerns and your assessment of running costs. Or perhaps you just have a feeling that it’s time to focus on the general living expenses of your household on a per-person basis. Food, utilities, transport and such like recurring costs are highlighted.

Pisces (February 19th - March 20th)

Wouldn’t it be wonderful if the long-running Aussie tv series ‘Neighbours’ was true to life with everyone getting along well, more or less, and helping and supporting each other. This may be the case for you this month. However, it’s also possible that disputes with neighbours need to be resolved. Think back. How did you resolve disputes with your siblings? Or were you an only child, feeling isolated? These feelings can be faced, and you can move forward with positive relationships with both siblings and neighbours. Or perhaps it’s time to move away?

Monthly Horoscopes April 2024

Aries (March 21st - April 19th)

It’s a new year for the Rams of the Zodiac. The Sun is in Aries marking a new astrological cycle and new beginnings. You have plenty of initiative, and love to move on quickly, avoiding boredom. So, the question is: ‘what’s next?’ An influx or outflow of personal funds may help you decide and start a new personal chapter. A Solar Eclipse on April 8 in your Zodiac Sign is also a springboard for change.

Taurus (April 20th - May 20th)

The old Scottish saying, ‘the best-laid plans’ go awry, could be your motto in April because much is happening behind the scenes to disrupt your plans. April is your go with the flow month, one in which you can take a step back and reassess the past year before celebrating a new cycle around the sun when Taurus season begins. Pushing your own agenda could prove fateful. If possible, an indulgent health or spa retreat could be the answer.

Gemini (May 21st - June 20th)

Social matters are your theme for April. This could be a need for companionship, catching up with friends, old and new, or socialising with workmates. Or a special occasion may take precedence. You may have several big occasions on your calendar. A Solar Eclipse on April 8 lights up the social sector of your Solar Chart sparking awareness of your hopes, dreams an wishes and who in your community continues to offer support.

Cancer (June 21st - July 22nd)

This time of year is ideal for a stocktake of your professional goals and achievements. It’s time to recognise your own efforts, whether or not they are recognised by others. Have you been shouldering your professional responsibilities successfully? Are you steering a steady course towards your true north? Or do you need to make adjustments? The Solar Eclipse on April 8 lights up the public sector of your Solar Chart helping you see your next steps more clearly.

Leo (July 23rd - August 22nd)

The Sun plays an important role in the lives of Leos. And so, the Solar Eclipse on April 8 is no small event, particularly if you are near its path. This cosmic event lights up your Solar Chart helping you see the big picture. Everyday chores take second place as you contemplate bigger issues such as world events, metaphysical matters, and the cycle of life. Private moments of grief may also quietly come and go as you come to terms with past memories.

Virgo (August 23rd - September 22nd)

It’s time to replace the old with the new. Anything that no longer works need to be recycled, throw out or given away. A Solar Eclipse on April 8 lights up the recycling centre of your Solar Chart providing an excellent opportunity to declutter your life. As a true Virgo you may already lead a frugal, minimalistic lifestyle. Nevertheless, look around. In particular, is your bookwork up to date? Do you need to streamline your finances?

Libra (September 23rd - October 22nd)

Relationships, like gardens, need constant tending to stay healthy and bloom. As a Libra you know this, but some things are out of your control. And the Solar Eclipse on April 8 bring to light relationship matters that have escaped your attention. Your nearest and dearest may be restless, wanting to break free of everyday routines. It could also be you who is agitated. Although this is likely a temporary situation, it highlights issues that need to be addressed.

Scorpio (October 23rd - November 21st)

Taking part in water activities boosts your health and wellbeing in April as this month highlights the need to focus on your health. You could take part in water classes at a nearby pool or go further afield to the beach or lake. Swimming, diving, sailing and kayaking are a few options. If all else fails perhaps install a small water feature in your living quarters. The idea is to calm and soothe for good health in April.

Sagittarius (November 22nd - December 21st)

You are destined to have fun in April, but not far from home. Household duties, and perhaps visitors, demand a focus on home and family. So, you find ways to be creative and playful in your own private world. You can write, teach, or be artistic at home. Or you could enjoy being creative with decorating your abode, or filling your garden with colour. Children may play a more prominent role this month, helping you discover ways to be more spontaneous.

Capricorn (December 22nd - January 19th)

A positive mindset goes a long way for you in April. You need to avoid being stubborn, and to also do all that you can to focus on positive matters. A dismal outlook could upset your equilibrium and your private life. April is your month to find activities that improve your mental health and your enjoyment of home and family. You may also benefit from carrying out some home improvement, especially tasks that improve connections with neighbours.

Aquarius (January 20th - February 18th)

April sees you brimming with bright ideas. Your motto could be ‘’a busy mind is a happy heart’. Your only challenge is whether or not these bright ideas cost a lot. Your budget may not be as big as your plans. If this is the case then you can write a list of priorities, and plan a timeline. You may also enjoy creating a vision board to help you manifest your desires.

Pisces (February 19th - March 20th)

Self-discipline goes a long way for Pisces in April. This is your month to learn to put yourself first, to take responsibility for caring and loving yourself. Planets lining up in Pisces call for self-soothing. Your finances also need monitoring. The trick is to take steps to improve your self-worth, and slowly work towards your personal goals, growing your self-esteem and income. You can also ask for help and support from those closest to you.

Monthly Horoscopes March 2024

Aries (March 21st - April 19th)

The weeks before your birthday offer a rare opportunity to slow down. This is your time to reassess the previous year, take stock of personal attributes and achievements and make some birthday resolutions. As the Sun moves into Aries on March 20, life once again picks up speed, which is how you usually like it. Planet Mercury moving into Aries on March 10 also means that you have a sharp mind. Perhaps you have a project that demands single-minded focus.

Taurus (April 20th - May 20th)

Your social life picks up in March as planets line up in the communal sector of your Solar Chart. Changes may be afoot in your clubs, groups and friendship circles. Communications are unclear causing problems. You need all of your innate Taurus patience to persist in clearing up misunderstandings. A prominent authority figure may not appreciate you pushing your own agenda. So take a deep breath and try to see the big picture before getting involved in group politics.

Gemini (May 21st - June 20th)

This month sees you managing several tasks at work. You focus on one while keeping track of others. Decisions need to be made as you switch back and forth. Fortunately, juggling comes naturally to you. However, you may need to make a bigger decision, based on whether you want to keep juggling in your current work situation. It’s time to see the bigger picture before taking any firm action.

Cancer (June 21st - July 22nd)

Legal matters are front and centre in March. This could be as simple as needing to sign off on a contract, and as complicated as settlements and disputes with personal and business partners. The key is to remain calm, easier said than done under March’s planetary lineup. As a soft-hearted Cancer you would be best advised to seek professional advice before entering any business, legal or property agreement.

Leo (July 23rd - August 22nd)

Activities with a common purpose feature in March. Anything that involves a joint decision or enterprise is highlighted, particularly one involving personal or business partnerships. As a Leo, you are a natural leader. The time has come to ensure that you are involving your nearest and dearest in important decisions. March is about co-operation, and a deep-dive into intimacy. This could be sparked by a change in your joint finances, an inheritance, taxes or investments. Single Leos may meet a significant personal or business partner, or sign an important contract.

Virgo (August 23rd - September 22nd)

The health and wellbeing of yourself, and a significant partner, are highlighted this month. The time has come to make a commitment to ensuring that your work/life balance is healthy. This means being serious about shaking any bad habits and replacing them with good ones. This is easier said than done because the brain is a key factor in changing habits, and you have a particularly strong mind. You may need to adopt a daily practice such as meditation or yoga to help you reset.

Libra (September 23rd - October 22nd)

March is your month to reduce stress and improve your mood through fun filled and creative activities. Expressing yourself through artistic and creative activities is like a prescription for your mental health. The time is ripe for you to incorporate a hobby or pastime into your daily routine, either for personal pleasure or as part of your working life. The idea is to lighten up and have fun.

Scorpio (October 23rd - November 21st)

Family history is the theme this month. This could be recent family sagas coming to light, or ancient history. Think ancestry.com. Either way, it’s time to focus on the younger members of your clan, clearing the past so that they have a positive future. This is a pivotal moment in your own personal story, in your private life and an opportunity to start a new chapter in your family.

Sagittarius (November 22nd - December 21st)

Family features during March. One family member could require extra attention as you travel for a special occasion such as a birthday, wedding, baptism etc. It’s also possible that a relative visits from interstate. Another possibility is that you plan some home maintenance, something that you have been putting off for a while. The focus is your private life, ensuring that you have firm foundations, and are fulfilling your responsibilities.

Capricorn (December 22nd - January 19th)

March is a project planning month when you sit down with your various ideas and formulate a strategy. You need to ensure that you have a positive mindset and then move forward with a responsible plan. This is your month to organise your thoughts, something that you do well. Diagrams, lists, graphs, sketches and the like can all prove helpful, as can spreadsheets, tracking apps and such like.

Aquarius (January 20th - February 18th)

Do you play offence or defence when it comes to your finances? This month sees you reassess your income, its flow in and out. Offence is trying to boost your income. Defence is managing spending habits. March sees you take stock, most likely triggered by an unexpected bill or change in your income. It’s possible a household expense or family member’s financial needs also prompt you to track your monetary habits.

Pisces (February 19th - March 20th)

The serious planet Saturn casts its shadow over your Zodiac Sign this month. This can be a positive influence as it helps you analyse exactly what makes you happy and healthy. It’s an excellent time to set boundaries, employ self-discipline and build a firm personal foundation for the future. However, it is important for you to be kind to yourself. Self-criticism is to be avoided at all costs. Rather think of other self words such as self-care, self-love, self-soothing and kindness to self. You are so kind to others. Now it’s time to give yourself the same respect.

Monthly Horoscopes February 2024

Aries (March 21st - April 19th)

Ambition is running high for the Rams of the Zodiac in February. You are keen to further your career objectives. This could because dollars are flowing out faster than they are coming in. Or possibly you have received a boost – a salary increase or burst of positive energy. You need to co-opt the help of friends and colleagues if you hope to move forward. Parenthood may also be high on the agenda. Perhaps your role as a parent, caregiver or grandparent is demanding more time and energy. Or perhaps you are deciding on whether or not to have a child. Whatever your personal scenario, you set your sights on moving forward with life plans.

Taurus (April 20th - May 20th)

It’s time to overhaul your life direction goals. You need goals to keep motivated. And as a true Taurus you can be determined to continue in a set direction, whether it is still working or not. Life changes and its prudent to reassess objectives. You need to assess your current life path and ensure that you are heading in the right direction. There’s no need to overthink matters. Trust your gut. And try to avoid clashes with influential people – bosses, parents and government officials. You may also need to be wary of being too overbearing in your relationships with younger people. February 17 and 22 are two key dates to help you clarify your plans.

Gemini (May 21st - June 20th)

Goal setting and big picture planning are themes for February. It’s time to use your imagination and expand the possibilities in one or more areas of your life. You may literally fly to a foreign land, or escape to a dream island. The idea is to get away from mundane matters. Your usual Tinkerbell or Peter Pan attitude to life may be a little less prominent now. Work or parental concerns or responsibilities can weigh heavily so plan ways to relieve the pressure. If all else fails you could take time each day to meditate, pray or visualise your bright future. Sports, religion, travel, the arts and other cultures can all provide positive escape routes.

Cancer (June 21st - July 22nd)

Every year, at this time, you can benefit from re-examining your investments. This is not your personal income but rather what you do with that income. So, banks, stock portfolios, property, assets, taxes, inheritances and other types of financial growth plans. This is about how to share your money and perhaps also your time. Partnerships, business and/or personal may also be scrutinised and perhaps overhauled. If you are unsure of your immediate circumstances then perhaps aims for familiar and safe financial plans. Perhaps it’s time for a rainy-day fund. Friends and family can always be counted on for advice, but you may be better advised to follow your own counsel or that of a professional.

Leo (July 23rd - August 22nd)

Partnerships have a planetary beacon of light aimed directly at them for Leos this month. A ‘partnership’ is described as a formal arrangement between two parties. So, this could be a business contract or a marital one. Either way, it’s time to ensure that communications are clear and the balance of give and take is fair. Perhaps it’s time for that tough conversation. Or maybe you are about to enter into a new and exciting agreement. If so, you are likely to be keen to ensure that all of the sub-clauses are clear in a business contract, or that a pre-nuptial is signed before a personal commitment is made.

Virgo (August 23rd - September 22nd)

February is about doing things that are good for your health. If you have been putting off getting a health check then now is the time to book it in. Otherwise, you can continue, or start up, some new and enjoyable activities. This is as much about mental health, as it is about physical health. After all Virgo is closely linked to the planet Mercury, the ruler of mental matters. So, you could do something to boost your pleasure at work, such as learning a new skill. Or you could boost your personal life with creative activity. Enjoyable pastimes pursued in February improve your health and wellbeing and set you in good stead for the rest of the year.

Libra (September 23rd - October 22nd)

Family politics continues to be a theme in February, particularly in connection to younger family members. However, you should see an improvement with the loving planet Venus in the 4th House of your Solar Chart. As the Moon’s South Node continues to move through your Zodiac Sign, you may let go of your usual mediation of family matters and rely on an honourable female relative to step in. This gives you the opportunity to focus on healing yourself, taking part in pleasurable activities close to home. A creative or artistic project can provide a welcome distraction, even becoming a form of relief therapy.

Scorpio (October 23rd - November 21st)

Sometimes the adjacent Zodiac Signs are in sync as the planets align. So, like Libra, family politics is a theme for Scorpio. In your case, siblings are the focus. This can be a positive reconnection as you share family celebrations that change the order of the family hierarchy. You may make changes to your household, moving neighbourhoods, or visiting siblings. It’s also possible that childhood memories resurface, like genies from a bottle. Happy or otherwise, you need to process your feelings. Writing can be helpful. In some cases, your communication skills could be put to the test as you seek deeper understanding of past sibling relationships.

Sagittarius (November 22nd - December 21st)

It’s time for you to decide whether to post or ghost. In other words, are you going to connect with friends, colleagues, family members or disconnect? The stars are aligned for you to do what supports your mental health, and your self-esteem and income. Money does matter and how you earn your dollars can affect your mindset. Do you love yourself and what you do? If so, then all is well. If not, then changes are afoot. Your social media status may change. You may also take off on a planned holiday, giving yourself the time and space for a mental energy reset. February sees you do what is good for you, rather than looking after others.

Capricorn (December 22nd - January 19th)

Does it feel like a personal pressure valve has been released lately? Key planets have shifted giving you the freedom to integrate lessons from the past and move on. Part of your process is assessing your personal worth, not just money-wise but what you really value. Either a budget cutback or an influx of funds could prompt a review of your spending habits. Your rainy-day funds could come in handy. You may also be tempted to splurge on a long-awaited, personal pleasure. Your ruling planet Saturn is in the communication sector of your Solar Chart calling on you to focus your mind on a set plan.

Aquarius (January 20th - February 18th)

Surprise! Do you like surprises? This month sees an unexpected event or news. Pluto, the planet renowned for bringing things to light, has entered your Zodiac Sign ushering in a new era for Aquarius. And it starts with someone or something acting out of the ordinary. You, too, may surprise yourself by stepping out of your comfort zone and trying something completely different. Skydiving, windsurfing, caving and such like are just a few options. The idea is that the time has come for a makeover, for you to connect to others in a new way. If you have ever wanted to reinvent yourself, then now is your time.

Pisces (February 19th - March 20th)

The lead up to your birthday is likely more lively than usual as planets line up in the social sector of your Solar Chart. As usual, you still need your downtime to recharge your batteries, but you can also step out and connect with link-minded friends and colleagues. As the month progresses, you can dip into your creative side and let your imagination soar. You are dreamer, and dreams are meant to be noted. Dreams that occur when you are asleep are messages from your subconscious. And daytime imaginings are meant to be treasured. As serious Saturn continues to step through your Zodiac Sign you are also being called on to come to terms with the past.

Monthly Horoscopes January 2024

Aries (March 21st - April 19th)

The start of the calendar years sees you seeing your sights on your true north and going full steam ahead Others may be recuperating after a busy 2023 but you are fired up. Your career, parenthood, public roles are all highlighted in January. A lunar eclipse on March 25 heralds a pivotal point in the year. And communications ramp up from March 10 till May 16 as Mercury travels through your Zodiac Sign. You may be working on a mentally challenging project. Your ruling planet Mars gives you a real burst of energy as it transits Aries from May 1 till June 9.

Taurus (April 20th - May 20th)

What is the big picture for 2024? Do you want to travel, study or spend more time on your spiritual pathway? January is the month for you to make plans. Your connection to foreign lands is highlighted at the start of 2024 prompting thoughts of escape. Your self-confidence is high. You need only find the funds. You should receive a financial boost as your ruling planet, Venus, moves through your Zodiac Sign from April 29 till May 24. And you could take off on a long journey when Venus is in the 9th House of your Solar Chart in November 2024. Otherwise, feisty Mars can propel you out of your comfort zone from June 9 till July 21.

Gemini (May 21st - June 20th)

The 2024 is split into two halves – the first and the second. As a Gemini you are adept at dealing in twos. January starts with life in a slower mode as you enjoy time with loved ones at home or in a holiday venue. You can relax and go with the flow. You may also be planning a big expenditure item with your partner. Your ruling planet Mercury is Retrograde till January 19 calling for a reflective start to the year. At the end of May you switch gears. You are ready to expand your horizons. The lucky planet Jupiter moves into your Zodiac Sign giving you a real boost. You could take to the skies and travel, embark on an adventure over land or seas, or begin a new chapter in your life. A promotion or public recognition may boost your professional reputation. A happy event sets the scene for the second half of 2024.

Cancer (June 21st - July 22nd)

January sets the scene for a year focused on your relationship status. As a lunar person your loved ones are always front and centre. And yet at times, like your Zodiac symbol, you feel vulnerable and need to dig down deep into your own home, or even your own room. Small animals and children are your comfort. And so, you need a special someone who understands your needs and who has emotional intelligence. So set your sights on your primary partnership. If you are single, who are your looking for and how are you going to attract another human to share your life. If you are in a committed relationship, does this person tick all of the boxes? If not, what needs to change? As 2024 progressions, you can tune into the phases of the Moon and the lunar eclipses o March 25 and September 18 to recharge your batteries.

Leo (July 23rd - August 22nd)

This year your partnerships are due for an upgrade starting on January 21. Powerful Pluto moves into Aquarius – your opposite Zodiac Sign – and sparks fly. It’s time to discover whether you have a dance partner, someone moving in step with you. Or if you have a sparring partner. Pluto helps you discover the emotional truth. Your love life fares well from July 12 to August 5 as Venus moves through Leo. July may also see the start of a creative project. Perhaps you are considering a creative partnership. If so, this is a powerful union with soul purpose Make sure that the working contract is clear, and take your time to negotiate each person’s role.

Virgo (August 23rd - September 22nd)

January sees you enjoying time with family at home. Of course, you may consider some of your close friends to be family. If so then you are likely to delight in their company at home or nearby. Children, creative projects and the arts are featured. Serious Saturn may cast a shadow on your primary partnership but also gives you the strength to work on any problems and strengthen or break your tie. Mid-year is your zenith with your ruling planet Mercury in your sign for an extended period from July 26 to September 9. A lunar eclipse on September 18 also sparks an inner urge to let go and start a new chapter in one or more areas of your life.

Libra (September 23rd - October 22nd)

At the start of every calendar year the Sun sits in Capricorn and settles in the 4th House of your Solar Chart. This is the sector connected to home and family. So every January you wish for loving and warm family time. And, as usual, you are the mediator and the person who offers the olive branch to ensure quality time for conflicting parties. This year see you enjoy a holiday at home with loved ones or shared accommodation in a holiday resort. If this does not take place the you may plan an out of season spring clean. You can zhuzh up areas in your living quarters and feel refreshed. Relationships play a key role in the Libra life and so January sets the tone for the year. You are destined to get positive love and money vibes when Venus transits Libra from August 29 till September 23. Eclipses on April 9 and October 3 also trigger insights into your way forward.

Scorpio (October 23rd - November 21st)

Setting intentions at the start of the calendar year doesn’t work for everyone, but it is just the right time for Scorpios. January is your power month for manifesting. A positive mindset puts you on the right track for 2024. You may like to take a short trip – a change of scenery can give a fresh perspective. Or perhaps a short course also boosts your positive objectives. The idea is to focus on the steps that you need to take to attain your aims. Reading, writing, journalling, drawing and such like can also be helpful. You are like to benefit from the support of others from January to May while the lucky planet Jupiter travels through your opposite Zodiac Sign, Taurus. Your love life and dollars receive a welcome boost from September 23 to October 18.

Sagittarius (November 22nd - December 21st)

Imagine a lighthouse. Its beams of light illuminate different section of the ocean at night. Sometimes revealing the vast and magical ocean. And then occasionally revealing a ship or other object on the surface. This is the same as the planets. Most of the year involves you navigating the ocean of life. And then occasionally something or someone crops up. In January Venus, the goddess of love, is in your Zodiac Sign heralding positive vibes for your love life. This goddess also boosts your monetary mood. You need only be careful not to spend your extra income. Venus returns to Sagittarius from October 18 to November 12 giving you another influx of positive energy in these areas.

Capricorn (December 22nd - January 19th)

The big news for Capricorns is that Pluto moves out of your Zodiac Sign on January 21 and only returns for a relatively short time from September 2 till November 20. By the end of 2024 you will be clear of Pluto’s influence for the first time since January 2008. You can now look back on these years and see the changes that you have made, either voluntarily or because change has been forced on you. Your personal transformation and achievements of the past can be celebrated. There may be some emotional fall-out but you are now on a clear road and can see the way forward. January sees you let go of the past, review your personal resources and ensure that your self-esteem is intact. Then from February 7 to December 7 you can nurture your physical health, and move forward on projects close to your heart.

Aquarius (January 20th - February 18th)

Are you ready for a new chapter in your life? Have you already had hints of the changes that may be occurring during 2023? The transformative planet, Pluto, enters your Zodiac Sign on January 21. And apart from a short break from September 2 to November 20 remains for many years to come. This is your chance to embrace people and projects that are close to your heart. You need to dig deep and face the truth. People will come and go during this time, and you need to remain firmly grounded in your own integrity. Political situations, at work and home, need to be handled with care. This is about you being authentic, true to yourself, while respectful of others. This is the overriding planetary influence for Aquarius in 2024.

Pisces (February 19th - March 20th)

January is a social month for Pisces. Your calendar fills with celebrations and fun times with friends and colleagues. There is always a serious overtone for you as serious Saturn is in your Zodiac Sign. Nevertheless, you are able to rest and relax at the start of the year. Your love life picks up from March 12 to April 5 as the planet of love, Venus transits Pisces. And you also receive a boost of energy from March 23 to May 1 when the planet of action, Mars travels through your Zodiac Sign. A lunar eclipse in Pisces on September 18 sparks insights in your way forward. This eclipse provides you with personal realisations that pave the way for the remainder of 2024.

Monthly Horoscopes December 2023

Aries (March 21st - April 19th)

Your home life is linked to overseas connections this month. This can work in many ways. You may temporarily holiday in a foreign home, journey to visit family members, or enjoy visitors from overseas. Good news such as a birth, graduation, wedding and such like may trigger the connections to loved ones from far away lands. It is also possible that a boost in personal finances prompts a plan to study, travel or set-up a home business. It’s your personal life that takes centre stage in December. As the Moon’s Nodes continue to travel through Aries and Libra your lesson is to make the most of new opportunities.

Taurus (April 20th - May 20th)

Some seasons remind us that we are all part of the cycle of life. Decembers sees people coming and going in your life making you aware of the inevitability of change. You are also likely to review your own resources – how you invest your energy, time and money. Reliable Taurus loves comfort, but now is not the time to cling to comfort or to take anyone or anything for granted. Have confidence that some change can be for the better. Letting go during the recent Eclipse season has hopefully made room for new riches.

Gemini (May 21st - June 20th)

As one astrologer says: ‘it’s duet or duel’ time. Geminis around the globe love a duo – someone who can bounce ideas back and forth, or a game where the ball bounces to and fro. So, who is your partner in crime, so to speak? And how is that relationship travelling? Whether you are single or wedded, it’s time for you to have twice the fun. It’s also possible that business contracts are in the pipeline. Make sure that all loose ends are tied up before your ruling planet goes Retrograde in the middle of December.

Cancer (June 21st - July 22nd)

Sharing your daily routine with partners, family members and even co-workers can sometimes be tricky. December sees you work towards finding your rhythm, and possibly making changes to your daily habits. Decisions made in the first half of December could backfire in the second half, if not carefully considered. So, take your time. Improving your lifestyle is a step by step process this month. As usual working in sync with the cycles of the Moon is your super power. It’s time to nurture yourself as much as you care for others.

Leo (July 23rd - August 22nd)

The Sun, Mercury and Mars are in sunny Sagittarius, a very merry marriage with your Leo Sun. And so, December is your month to make merry. Whether you prefer a celebration on your own or a full-blown affair doesn’t matter. The idea is to embrace joie-de-vivre. You could don your party shoes for a special outing, or dance barefoot on the beach. It’s up to you to tap into whatever brings you joy. As the month progresses and the Solstice and Christmas approach you may slow down a little, retreating to a quiet place of connection with yourself or others.

Virgo (August 23rd - September 22nd)

Family celebrations are front and centre in December. It’s time to celebrate love and life at home. If you single then you can indulge in your favourite home-time activities, redecorate your living quarters, and perhaps travel to a place like home. If you are living with others then home entertainment is the theme. For instance, if you celebrate Christmas then ‘deck the halls’. Or you could have Solstice festivities in your garden. Sunny Sagittarius is shining on the private sector of your life and so it’s time to put logic and practicalities to one side, and to be spontaneous.

Libra (September 23rd - October 22nd)

A positive mindset helps you connect with neighbours and siblings. Talking, listening, writing and posting on social media are all highlighted. You may even enjoy a short journey, a change of scenery. The idea is to tap into your intuition and attract positive connections. If something or someone troubles you don’t fret, just talk or write it out. Let go of worries and focus on your breath. Libra is an Air Sign and so breathwork can be very calming. As the Moon’s Nodes continue to travel through Aries and Libra your lesson is to let go of stressful connections.

Scorpio (October 23rd - November 21st)

Financial resources are a personal matter to some Scorpios, but this month sees you more vocal than usual as you are eager to boost your personal worth and seek ways to do so. Perhaps you have spotted a bargain, or are negotiating a lucrative contract or pay rise. The lucky money planet Venus moves into your Zodiac Sign on December 5 giving you a welcome boost in both finances and love. You need only make sure that you have the support of family members, and possibly house contractors.

Sagittarius (November 22nd - December 21st)

Three planets in your Zodiac Sign put the wind beneath your wings this month. A personal make-over and healthy habits give you a real boost. This is your month to shine as long as you don’t go overboard. All things in moderation is not the usual Sagittarius modus operandi, but you would be wise to slow down at the end of 2023, and consider your priorities. You may receive a financial windfall. You just need to be wary of overspending.

Capricorn (December 22nd - January 19th)

As the rest of the Zodiac Signs ramp up for end of year celebrations, sensible Capricorns slow down and prepare. This is your time to continue life as usual, but at a slower pace. It does matter whether you live in the southern or northern hemisphere, this is your quiet time. Mercury Retrograde in Capricorn on December 13 further encourages you to enjoy a period of preparations for your personal goals. This year’s birthday celebrations may be a little quieter than usual if you were born in December.

Aquarius (January 20th - February 18th)

December is your social season. Your calendar fills fast with engagements for work and pleasure. As an Aquarius you are naturally friendly and sociable with others seeking your company. This month sees you even more popular. If you are in sales or working in your own business, then the end of the year could see you doing a final push to make sure that you reach your personal targets. Networking keeps you busy. You may also benefit from joining a social group, one that connects you with people apart from your work.

Pisces (February 19th - March 20th)

The last month of the calendar year can be stressful for some, and so sensitive Pisces can be on call to come to the rescue. If your profession is a helping one, and it is likely to be, then you find yourself focussed on work. While others are celebrating the Solstice and Christmas season, your heart goes out to the lonely and disenfranchised. If you do have some time off work, then you are likely to be found at the local soup kitchen, or dropping off Christmas gifts to families who are doing it tough. Such is your kindly nature.

Monthly Horoscopes November 2023

Aries (March 21st - April 19th)

It’s decision time regarding your savings and investments. If you have none then you may need to plan. If you have debt then November sees you tackle ways to reduce your debt. Draw a line in the sand and put the past where it belongs. Aries love a new start and you have one now as the planets line up in the 8th House of your solar Chart. You may receive news of a monetary boost such as tax return, inheritance or business opportunity. The pluck planet Jupiter also speaks of a boost in your personal income. So, make the most of the incomings to increase your investment potential.

Taurus (April 20th - May 20th)

The marriage sector of your Solar Chart is lit up like a beacon at the start of November meaning that your marital status is front and centre. Married Taureans are likely to experience discussions on hot topics with partners. This can be positive moves to boost your connection through shared conversations and activities. Listening is as important as talking. And this may see a boost to your sex life. If you are single then it’s time to actively seek a partner, if that’s what you desire. Either way, it’s time to date, mate and relate.

Gemini (May 21st - June 20th)

Habits, the small decisions that you make and actions you perform every day are the focus this month. It’s time to raise your vibe through building good habits and breaking bad ones. This is not just about diet and exercise, although they are important. It’s also about how you react to daily stress – at home and work. If you have been feeling overwhelmed, the you could make a list and tackle one thing each day. Sometimes saying ‘I must do…’ take ore energy than just doing it. Break it down, get rid of it, forget about it or do it. You may also consider outsourcing or employing someone to help.

Cancer (June 21st - July 22nd)

Are you ready to birth something new? A romance, artistic project or perhaps even a someone? A baby? It’s time to boost your endorphins, to initiate something that sparks your love of life. This is your month to explore anything that sparks joy. Your connections with friends and colleagues have positive vibes this month. So, find your tribe, a network or group that helps you head in the right direction. Children, too, feature, aiding your ability to see how to live in the present moment. This could be your own children, or other people’s.

Leo (July 23rd - August 22nd)

Do you ever look around your home and feel like a change? November sees you do just that. Moving the furniture around in your house could suffice? Or perhaps you are ready to redecorate? You might start by looking at paint samples and then get busy with refurbishments. Or perhaps you are thinking about major renovations? Activity abounds in the private sector of your life. Hence your restlessness. Visitors, family or friends, coming and going could help enliven your personal life without you having to make major adjustments. The advent of guests is always an invitation to declutter, rearrange and redecorate.

Virgo (August 23rd - September 22nd)

Count to ten before you speak this month as the planets line up in Scorpio in the 3rd House of your Solar Chart. This is the communication sector. So, your mind is sharp, but so may be your tongue. As a Virgo, you don’t tolerate fools at the best of times, but this month really tests your patience. You do best when you focus your energy on a mentally-challenging project so that you make the most of the extra cerebral energy. You may also enjoy training workshops, short trips, and connections with neighbours and siblings

Libra (September 23rd - October 22nd)

November is all about what you are worth. This is not just financially although that is part of the puzzle. It’s about your self-worth, whether you feel worthy of love, success, security, freedom, and what you personally value. As you come to terms with your personal value system the it’s time to turn your attention to how you invest your time, energy and money. Changes in your personal circumstances could trigger changes in your values, and your attitude in general. You need to take the focus off others, and recognise your own merit. Wealth means different things to different people. What does it mean to you?

Scorpio (October 23rd - November 21st)

It’s a busy start to the month with the Sun, Mercury and Mars all in your Zodiac Sign. And you need to make the most of this energetic combination. This is the ideal time to focus on action-packed activities at home or work. The start of November is also the best time to launch a new physical program at the gym or your favourite sport. A personal make-over now has maximum impact. So, your motto could be: ‘Just do it’! The lucky planet Jupiter is in the relationship sector of your Solar Chart heralding a boost in your love life, or a new love.

Sagittarius (November 22nd - December 21st)

After a hectic October, you can now retreat a little. This month presents opportunities for you to work behind the scenes, to withdraw into your safe haven. You may be planning a new project, working out the details and may keeping a secret. Or perhaps you can finally focus on yourself and your physical health or appearance. A minor operative procedure maybe in the offing. Whatever your personal situation, November is the month to rest and retreat before your birthday season starts. Your ruling planet Jupiter continues to wend its way through Taurus so keep working on your financial goals.

Capricorn (December 22nd - January 19th)

This is a lovely social month in which you can enjoy the company of friends, siblings, neighbours and overseas associates. You can Zoom around the world. Even if you are an introverted Goat, you can still seek one-on-one connections with supportive friends and colleagues. Creative ideas flow more easily in November. And there’s even time for a golf game, or your favourite pastime. Transformative Pluto is in the tail end of your Zodiac Sign so some pesky issues may persist, but on the whole you are able to get by with a little help from your friends.

Aquarius (January 20th - February 18th)

Your reputation is front and centre . This is not about your private life, but rather how you are perceived by people in public places such as work, special interest organisations, parenting groups and such like. Professional social media platforms also feature. It’s time to put your best foot forward before Pluto enters your Zodiac Sign new year. You need to sow positive seeds now so that you can harvest good results in future. Positive changes on the home front can also boost your public status, and assist you in achieving your life goals.

Pisces (February 19th - March 20th)

As a Pisces, you often dream of escaping everyday life. November sees your aspirations amplify. Your imagination is strong. So, visions of an overseas trip, a restorative retreat, an island hideaway may all appeal. If you can afford to indulge your dreams then now is the time to escape. If not, then you could escape through meditation, music, art or nature. Sitting on a beach, journalling your wish list, or immersing yourself in a fantasy book or film could all suffice. The idea is to keep your mind positively focus, and to find ways to flee from everyday duties, even just for one month.

Monthly Horoscopes October 2023

Aries (March 21st - April 19th)

How’s your love life? Romance is in the air. If you are married then you need to clear your schedule and make time for your partner. Singletons, clear your mindset and find fun activities that set the scene for attracting romance, if that’s what you want. If not, then take yourself on a date, start a creative project or indulge in a makeover. The aim is to find your passion for someone, something or someplace! The lucky planet Jupiter is also in the personal money sector of your Solar Chart boosting your income earning potential. So, October is a month of – if it feels good then it is good.

Taurus (April 20th - May 20th)

You are likely to be more of a homebody in October. Home renovations are the focus, or perhaps relocation or a vacation to a more pleasurable abode. The idea is that your living quarters are a base for good health, daily delights and general wellbeing. You may also welcome honoured guests into your home. A female relative or household member is likely to influence the choices and changes that you make this month. The emphasis is on your private life, how comfortable you are in your own family and chosen location. And, of course, who you share your home with.

Gemini (May 21st - June 20th)

It’s time to birth something new. Bringing something or someone to life gets the endorphins going. You are enlivened, living in the present moment and following your passion. Your new activity, or lifestyle, is not necessarily work-related. It may be a hobby or pastime that you have been delaying because of work-related or parental responsibility. Children also feature more prominently this month, perhaps as a reminder to embrace your free spirit and live in the moment. You need to fan the spark of creativity and be confident, rather than douse it with self-doubt. And most importantly, have some fun.

Cancer (June 21st - July 22nd)

Where is home? This may seem like a strange question but it’s relevant this month. You are a natural homemaker, creating a comfortable nest for yourself and your loved ones, human and furry. But like your symbols, the crab, you need to move venues when you feel threatened or ready for a new habitat. And this month may be the moment to move, preferably closer to nature or the ocean. During October you can take a moment to reflect on how to make your current living quarters more aligned with your own self-worth, or to make plans for a new abode. Temporary discomfort makes the new arrangements worth it.

Leo (July 23rd - August 22nd)

Venus, the planet of love, has been hanging out in your Zodiac Sign, going back and forth and bring a change in fortunes. Fun times and a steady flow of money have, hopefully, been the name of the day. This positive planet continues to wend her way through Leo until October 10. So, make the most of the positive vibes. Promote yourself, your work, and your positive attributes and reap the benefits. Communication and connection are the keys to moving forward. Neighbours, siblings, your children’s friends, your partner’s overseas plans and your parent’s health are all highlighted.

Virgo (August 23rd - September 22nd)

Virgos are known for being frugal, excellent bargain hunters and often adept at DIY projects. October sees you needing to make the most of these skills as you reassess your budget. It’s time to get out the spreadsheets and take a deep dive into your personal income and spending habits. Fortunately, Venus, the planet of love and money, is moving into your Zodiac Sign on October 9, heralding good fortune. You may consider adjusting your expenditure and savings, so that you can afford a special item or a vacation. Your love life may also flourish this month.

Libra (September 23rd - October 22nd)

It’s time to get off the fence, but you already know that, right? The planet of action, Mars is in your Zodiac Sign along with the Sun, supercharging Libra. As an Air Sign, you often procrastinate, unsure of which fork in the road to take. This month, something or someone, forces you to choose. The stars are aligned in a way that gives you a boost, an energy charge, one that helps you put yourself first. All you need do is make the decision, and opportunities will present themselves. Delays may initially cause to you doubt, but trust in the process. You just have to take the first step.

Scorpio (October 23rd - November 21st)

The lead up to your birthday season sees much happening behind the scenes. October starts with you reflecting on recent events, hopefully to assimilate some life lessons, forgive and forget and move on as the month progresses. Think of the start of the month as a rehearsal time. Then you can take your show on the road. Your ruling planet, Mars moves into your Zodiac Sign on October 12 giving you a new burst of energy. So, take time to rest and recreate at the start of the month, so that you are ready for action after the 12th.

Sagittarius (November 22nd - December 21st)

Your social calendar is likely to be full in October as the Sun travels through the 11th House of your Solar Chart. This is the sector associated with friends, groups and clubs. So Individual friends, and groups, call on your time. It’s a busy month, so grab your diary or iCalendar and make sure that you have it by your side. You may also like to focus on your favourite social media service, recording fun times in your private and professional life. You can slow down and rest next month. October is your time to put on your party shoes and celebrate with others.

Capricorn (December 22nd - January 19th)

Your professional life is front and centre in October. Concentration is required as you start, or finish a work project. Perhaps, you are also learning a new skill, or preparing for a big work event. Recognition may be awarded for your hard efforts. And as American author and speaker John C Maxwell says: “The greatest form of recognition is not just a pat on the back but the trust and responsibility to take on greater challenges and make a bigger impact.” As a Capricorn you already know this and are ready for new challenges.

Aquarius (January 20th - February 18th)

It’s important to keep an open mind this month. You are an Air Sign and so enjoy connecting with like-minded friends and colleagues. However, Aquarius is also known in astrology circles as being Fixed Air, which means that you can be quite stubborn when you make your mind up. Once you have set your course then you are determined. A situation this month requires you to be broader minded. You can explore new ways of thinking and acting. Travel, study and encounters with people from other cultures can support a more flexible outlook.

Pisces (February 19th - March 20th)

Joint resources are the topic of the month. This includes joint bank accounts, stocks, bonds, property investments, business finances, superannuation, taxes and anything that is a repository for your personal income. You are faced with choices as the Sun travels through the 8th House of your Solar Chart, and the 8th House is all about the money that is put away for long-term benefits. There’s a time to reap and a time to sow. You need to decide where you are in the cycle. You can take your time to make any important decisions as Saturn, the Lord of Time, is a steadying influence in your Zodiac Sign.

Monthly Horoscopes September 2023

Aries (March 21st - April 19th)

Taurus (April 20th - May 20th)

Gemini (May 21st - June 20th)

Cancer (June 21st - July 22nd)

Leo (July 23rd - August 22nd)

Virgo (August 23rd - September 22nd)

Libra (September 23rd - October 22nd)

Scorpio (October 23rd - November 21st)

Sagittarius (November 22nd - December 21st)

Capricorn (December 22nd - January 19th)

Aquarius (January 20th - February 18th)

Pisces (February 19th - March 20th)

Monthly Horoscopes August 2023

Aries (March 21st - April 19th)

Are your creative juices flowing? Are you on fire with new ideas and plans? The Nodes of Destiny moved into your Zodiac Sign last month triggering a new chapter in your life. This can be a season of abundance as long as you stay focused. You may have to remove some obstacles first. Relationships could change. Avoid burning bridges. You need your support team. Gather those who share your vision and build a strong base for this new period of abundance. Heal any rifts that may be holding back. You have time, so there is no need to rush.

Taurus (April 20th - May 20th)

The lucky planet Jupiter is moving through your Zodiac Sign urging you to make the most of your resources. This is not the time to be taking others for granted or for squirrelling away for the future. Jupiter is about growth. So, the question is: How can you improve your fortunes? Investment in your home or property may be on your mind. As a Taurus you are always sensible, perhaps cautious when it comes to bricks and mortar. This month sees you consider your roots and where to invest your time, energy and dollars. You can build on what you have.

Gemini (May 21st - June 20th)

A change of scenery is prescribed by the planets for Geminis this month. You could start by rearranging the furniture in your home, change the colour scheme or set up a special room of your own. On the other hand, you may take a short trip or two. You could visit friends, or entertain visitors in your own home with a special event. A new hobby may also do the trick., or you could refresh your social media options. The idea is to keep a positive outlook and pursue activities that keep your thoughts positive.

Cancer (June 21st - July 22nd)

The planet of big changes, Pluto, is in the relationship sector of your Solar Chart. This means that your primary partnership is under scrutiny. This is not a new situation. Pluto has been in this area of your chart, on and off, for some time. However, it is in the last throes. So, you are likely facing separation, divorce, renewal or vows, matrimony, or a business contract. Or perhaps all of the above. Your self-worth plays a key role in the decisions this month. This includes how much you value yourself, and also your personal income.

Leo (July 23rd - August 22nd)

You are a Leo and you love to celebrate. Whether the occasion is large or small, it’s time to vibe with your tribe. A special occasion, birthday gathering or other, is coming up. But who needs an excuse? On the odd chance that you are not in the mood to party, you can prepare yourself for future occasions with a luxury treatment, wardrobe upgrade or retail therapy. August is the right time to pep up your beauty and fashion. A makeover may also appeal. The idea is to do at least one thing that celebrates you and your achievements in life.

Virgo (August 23rd - September 22nd)

August sees you tap into your super power – organisation. Planets Mercury and Mars start the month in your Zodiac Sign giving you an energy surge. You may go out and about more than usual, but it’s more like that you withdraw from social events and work on a very personal project. Planners, spreadsheets, lesson plans and the like help you stay on track. The serious planet Saturn is in Pisces, your opposing Sign, indicating your need to stay focused work through an opposition or obstacles. You need to negotiate with a partner so that you can make the most of this productive period.

Libra (September 23rd - October 22nd)

Sitting on the fence is something that you do well, as you can see both sides of everyone’s stories. Sometimes this holds you back as you procrastinate. At others it is your super power because you can assess a situation and mediate. This month it’s a positive because something is going on behind the scenes and you need your intermediary skills. It’s time to fend and befriend. And then you can move forward when it suits you. Social contacts, friends and advisers can also help you make decisions, if you remain undecided on an important issue.

Scorpio (October 23rd - November 21st)

You move ahead in life through your partnerships in August. This could be a positive boost in your personal life or links with a work associate or contract. If you run your own business, then you may like to initiate a loyalty program for employees or customers. This is because influencers are your best friends this month as you seek to shine in your chosen profession. It’s time to call in those favours and to ensure that your efforts are being recognised and rewarded. As the infamous quote from “Dirty Dancing” goes: ‘nobody puts baby in the corner’.

Sagittarius (November 22nd - December 21st)

A true Sagittarius needs no encouragement to take risks and expand horizons. Nevertheless, sometimes the stars align and give you a boost. August sees you seeking greener pastures. This could be a temporary fix such as a quick trip to a favourite destination. Or you could look further afield. Overseas travel plans, a change of job or a house move could be in the pipeline. Fortune favours the brave, as the saying goes. Your ruling planet Jupiter in the Sign of Taurus also issues a word of warning, to make sure that you have the practical means to support your adventures.

Capricorn (December 22nd - January 19th)

You are a stable and consistent person, who knows that slow and steady wins the race. This month challenges that edict, particularly when it comes to joint resources. August sees you do a personal stocktake of where and how you share and invest your income. Your confidence is strong as you recognise the cycles at work in your life. As a result, you are likely to tweak your investment strategy and capitalise on your already impressive flair for investing. Your usual caution could be set aside for an investment that is closer to your heart than head.

Aquarius (January 20th - February 18th)

Your connection to your siblings or neighbours is somewhat tenuous this month. An old hurt or memory may surface to be healed, or perhaps you have reached your own limit and have simply had enough. The issue is likely to be connected to family property or money. Your primary partner can step into the breach and help you mend bridges but only if you keep communication channels calm and clear. You need to have tough talks, ones that can be loving and make way for a lighter and brighter future. If in doubt, you could seek professional advice.

Pisces (February 19th - March 20th)

Your health is highlighted in August. A change on the work front, or in another area of your daily life, is prompting the need to focus on your own health and wellbeing. Extra personal responsibilities may need to be shouldered, and these require you to ensure that you maintain habits that are conducive to optimal physical, emotional and mental health. Partnerships can be pleasurable, as long as you avoid upsets over money on the home front. And enjoying your workaday world can be satisfying as long as you don’t overdo it. And co-workers can be supportive.

Monthly Horoscopes July 2023

Aries (March 21st - April 19th)

Home and family plans are the focus. A change in your private life prompts decisions. The planet Mercury in the home sector of your Solar Chart indicates a decision is imminent. This could be as simple as rearranging rooms in your abode. Or as significant as a house move, or addition for a family member. Whether you are downsizing, rearranging or upsizing, the emphasis is your private needs and home comforts. You also have a date with destiny from July 18, when the North Node enters your Zodiac Sign, marking the beginning of a significant cycle for all Aries.

Taurus (April 20th - May 20th)

The word ‘mind’ is front and centre in July. Mindset, mindfulness, minding your own business and even the privilege of changing your mind pop up time and time again this month. The trick is to stay positive, undertake activities that encourage positive thoughts and avoid worrying. The overall aim is ‘peace of mind’. Short trips, neighbourhood connections, podcasts, books and journalling can all help keep your thoughts on a positive track. As a result, decisions made in July improve your connections and lifestyle. A Nodal shift out of your Zodiac Sign also prompts a period of reflection as you come to terms with recent changes.

Gemini (May 21st - June 20th)

Money matters. Every now and then it pays to focus on your personal finances, to learn more about the ebb and flow of money and your own income earning potential. July provides you with opportunities to look at your budget and to make changes if you want. A change in income may spark this assessment, or a pile up of bills. Either way, it’s time to tackle money matters. Books, podcasts, short courses or the advice of a young person may spark a change in your money mindset. The planet Mercury in the personal money sector of your Solar Chart encourages a fresh approach.

Cancer (June 21st - July 22nd)

Your intuition is heightened in July. You are able to tune into the important matters in your life with an instinctive understanding of what works. Transformative Pluto has Retrograded into Capricorn, which is your opposite Zodiac Sign. This indicated that marital matters need to be revisited. Whether single or married, it’s time to put the final effort into a significant issue connected to partnership. This may involve a personal overhaul. Or perhaps your significant other is triggering change. The Moon’s Nodes shift into Aries on July 18, encouraging you to find your true north, meaning and purpose.

Leo (July 23rd - August 22nd)

Life is a bit of a conundrum. On the one hand you’re full of energy, pursuing exciting projects and adventure. On the other hand, you also need quiet time to reflect and process all that is going on. So, July is a balancing act. Set your sights on your true north and make the most of the quiet and busy days. The start of the month is like to be busier, then a slower time before your birthday period speeds up. The Moon’s North Node shifts into fellow Fire Sign, Aries, on July 18, giving you a boost to set your sights on big plans.

Virgo (August 23rd - September 22nd)

Friendships are the focus. Gears shirt in the social sector of your Solar Chart, meaning that your associations also shift. Good friends can be counted on one hand as the saying goes. July sees you reassess the wider circle of your friendships. A change of circumstances, a new hobby, club or group see you mingling in different circles. It’s time for you to reach out and connect in ways that support. As a Virgo you know that toxic influences can be physical, emotional and intellectual. It may be time to cut ties and form new ones.

Libra (September 23rd - October 22nd)

Just when you thought that family politics had been resolved, the planets shift and you have more loose ends to tie up. The good news is that you can now make decisions that move you forward towards your true north – your purpose in life. As the foundations of your life shift, you are propelled towards a life of greater purpose. You make decisions that change your status – your profession, parenthood, position in your family, public office roles or marital status. The Moon’s South Node shifts into your Zodiac Sign on July 18 emphasising your need to let go of anything or anyone who disrupts your equilibrium.

Scorpio (October 23rd - November 21st)

This month your connections are fated. As you make personal changes, you make room for more rewarding relationships. You are like a snake shedding its skin. You may feel a little vulnerable at times, so protect yourself if you feel the need. However, you also need to remain open to profound personal links to others, particularly spiritual cultural or overseas people or groups. This fated period also lights up the marriage sector of your Solar Chart. Whether you are single or married, it’s time to date, mate and relate. A shift occurs around July 18 when the Moon’s fated Nodes move away from your Zodiac Sign.

Sagittarius (November 22nd - December 21st)

You are motivated to make changes in July. These changes are likely connected to your career, marital status or position in the family hierarchy. You are well aware of the cycle of life which prompts you to alter how you invest your time, energy and money. There’s nothing more certain than death and taxes, so the saying goes. July sees you make decisions linked to taxes and death. Perhaps it’s time to write your will? Or do you need to employ an accountant and tackle your taxes? The Moon’s North Node shifts into fellow Fire Sign, Aries, on July 18, giving you a boost to set your sights on creative plans.

Capricorn (December 22nd - January 19th)

Dwarf planet Pluto is back in your Zodiac Sign! Just when you thought you had done as much self-development as you could, there’s more. This month the 7th House of your Solar Chart is highlighted, which means that your primary relationship is again under scrutiny. This could be a marriage union, or business contract. Either way, it’s time to negotiate the next stage of your lives, or business connection. The Moon’s Nodes shift into Aries and Libra on July 18, sparking a shift in your home and professional life. It may be time to make adjustments in your career so that you can focus more on your private life.

Aquarius (January 20th - February 18th)

Health is highlighted in July. Health is important because it determines how much freedom and opportunity you have. If you are not healthy, you cannot work, contribute to society, or enjoy life to the fullest. And let’s face it, freedom and contribution are two vital factors for any Aquarius person. So, this month is your opportunity to take a moment to ensure that you are on the right track for optimal health and wellbeing. A change of diet, more exercise, a quick check up with the local doctor and easing up at work, could also be beneficial for your long-term health and happiness.

Pisces (February 19th - March 20th)

As a Pisces, you are a great empath. And this month the planets encourage you to boost a current creative outlet, or to find a new one. You need an avenue to express your sensitive feelings. You are likely a born artist, whether this be directly through art, music, dance or the dramatic arts. But any pursuit can be creative if it is your soul’s calling. Your combination of feeling, perceiving, and inherent introversion makes you a master creator. And July is your month to spark your creative juices and get going. Children may also be a source of comfort and inspiration.

Monthly Horoscopes June 2023

Aries (March 21st - April 19th)

June sees you start a new fun-filled activity, something that triggers a healthy mindset. Reading, writing, short courses, connecting with friends and such like are all emphasised. If you are in two minds about something then you can talk it out. If something is troubling you then ask for help. Imagine that your mind is like a computer, and needs a clearing out, or reboot. The idea is that the June planetary line-up gives you the boost that you need to be more mindful and creative in ways that boost your self-worth, and prepare you for new projects.

Taurus (April 20th - May 20th)

You can count your lucky stars in June as planet Jupiter is now in your Zodiac Sign until May 25, 2024, heralding a period of abundance. Since May 2018 your finances and security have been subjected to the ups and downs of erratic Uranus. Now your fortunes improve. Fortune favours the brave. You are a natural accumulator; some would even say a hoarder. Now it’s time to take a few calculated risks. Jupiter in Taurus encourages you to be more generous and perhaps adventurous. You could spend some of your hard-earned income on travel, study, sport or religious pilgrimages.

Gemini (May 21st - June 20th)

It’s time to tidy up any loose ends from recent times, or even from the distant past, so that you can more forward with more confidence. Your birth season is cause for celebration. Like the fairy Tinker Bell, or Peter Pan, you flit from person to person, or event to event spreading your pixie dust and encouraging others to fly. As the Sun moves through Gemini your stars align and encourage you to spread your own wings. You have the perfect excuse to indulge in some self-care and anything that uplifts your spirits. Find the wind beneath your wings.

Cancer (June 21st - July 22nd)

You are a Moon-ruled person. In other words, your Zodiac Sign is governed by La Luna. You may have found the recent Eclipse season somewhat challenging. And lessons may still be unfolding. If you are feeling overwhelmed then June is your month to retreat. Some ‘cave’ time could be therapeutic as you say goodbye to old habits, memories from the past and perhaps even to a loved one as they journey far away. You may be temporarily in a welcome or unwelcome dark room, but you will soon find your way out in time to celebrate your new Solar year.

Leo (July 23rd - August 22nd)

June is a supercharged month for Leos. The lucky planet Jupiter is high in your Solar chart, and the planet of action, Mars, is in your Sign. And these are just a couple of planetary influences. You are energised, ready to tackle something new and exciting. Opportunities arise through your social contacts – friends, groups and clubs. Associates are ready to support your hopes, dreams and wishes. It’s also possible that you receive an award, or boost for your endeavours in your professional arena. Or perhaps you have the chance to promote yourself through public speaking, writing, publishing and such like.

Virgo (August 23rd - September 22nd)

June sees you start a journey. ‘Journey’ is defined as the physical act of travelling from one place to another, usually a long distance. In current times, it is used to describe the process of an emotional or spiritual transition, of moving from one place of realisation to another. You are keen to start your own personal journey, whether it is physical, emotional, intellectual or spiritual. You are embracing a change of perspective. This could be through study, travel, sport, teaching, or religion. This is your month to broaden your horizons, and gain a better understanding of your path in life.

Libra (September 23rd - October 22nd)

Metaphysical matters are likely to be the focus this month. You may be drawn to the metaphysical poets, or perhaps your own sixth sense is more finely tuned. A course in a topic that is far from mundane may appeal. The idea is that you delve more deeply into the meaning of life, and what gives you purpose rather than simply skimming over the surface. An event or person may trigger your need to transcend everyday life. Cycles appeal – sleep cycles, economic ones, weather patterns and even the supernatural could all feature in June.

Scorpio (October 23rd - November 21st)

You have a date with destiny in June. A fated encounter triggers strong emotions. Are you ready? Singleton Scorpios may meet their match this month. A proposal may even be written in the stars. And if you are already in a committed relationship, then your union is highlighted for better or worse, and most likely better as lucky Jupiter is in the marriage sector of your Solar Chart. Rewards come through your main business and personal associations. If you have been waiting for legal news, or to sign a contract, then June is a fortuitous month.

Sagittarius (November 22nd - December 21st)

June is your month to establish healthy habits that provide a foundation for the rest of your life. Your ruling planet Jupiter is travelling through the health sector of your chart giving you the impetus to start, or maintain, good health. You can benefit greatly from a change in diet, an exercise plan and routines that uplift your spirits. The idea is that you embrace daily activities that boost your overall sense of wellbeing. It’s your private life that is the focus. Small animals may also feature in your plan to increase the pleasure that you seek each day.

Capricorn (December 22nd - January 19th)

Capricorns are not usually noted for whimsy or romance, but June could see a hint of both of these. A person or project is likely to light your imagination this month, leading to unaccustomed feelings. It’s time for you to focus on fun and creativity. Your usual dutiful nature can be set aside for a short period, at least, so that you can pursue something or someone who appeals to the less practical side. If this concept seems alien, then perhaps start with a fantasy novel or film, and see where either of these lead.

Aquarius (January 20th - February 18th)

Your private life is, once again, the focus during June. Family fortunes are undergoing changes, and somehow you find yourself in the thick of the ups and downs. Perhaps the structure of your family is changing, as parents grow older, or children go to school. Or maybe you are making changes that disrupt the flow of family life. It’s also possible that you are changing your family rooms, moving house, renovating or such like. This is your opportunity to make alterations in your private life to better suit your personal needs.

Pisces (February 19th - March 20th)

June is about expressing yourself. You need to find a way to voice your thoughts and feelings, so that you have the best possible mental health. This could be communicating to loved ones, or perhaps a more private form of expression such as journaling. Research has shown proven health benefits to journaling, or writing feelings and thoughts. It’s also possible that you plan to take a short trip, or book a short course, or perhaps write something more than a journal entry. The idea is that you focus on positive mental activities, and avoid needless worries at this time of year.